
美国大学申请-from NYTIMES Colleges Struggle to Figure Out Who Will Say Yes - NYTimes.com. 目前这次危机对美国大学的申请,尤其是对美国本科的申请有什么样的影响呢?纽约时报的这篇文章有比较深入的描述,尽管其中提到的案例多数是美国内内的学生,但是对国际学生也有一定的参考意义。比如说这一段:
But all that has changed. For students, the uncertainty could be good news: colleges will admit more students, offer more generous financial aid,and, in some cases, send acceptance letters a few weeks earlier. Then again, it could prolong the agony: some institutions say they will rely more on their waiting lists. But there is no question, admissions officers say, that this year is more of a students’ market.