
无老师题:近几年北美总有SAT满分,但是却被所有藤校拒绝的例子,申请无常,各位考友请放平心态。 我女儿的爬藤结果: 12/15/2011 H, deferred, 疼,心头第一刀 3/14 M, rejected,疼,心头第二刀 3/29 5:00pm P, rejected,疼,心头第三刀 7:00pm Y,rejected,疼,心头第四刀 歇菜了,睡不着,原来她还申请了两个LAC, Williams(her dream school) 11:30 ACCEPTED。 (Haverford accepted two days ago.) H, rejected email not received yet, 但是已经不疼了,S也已经不重要了。 祝福上腾的牛娃们,希望将来爬藤的娃们做的更好。 不过还是不理解,她的同学,HPYM 都有进。作为学校的No1,十几年来学校第一个one sit 2400,却没有一个录取。我想她肯定有什么地方有失误。当然你最多只能做最好的你,可是很多事情是out of your control. 孩子情况旧帖: How do you feel? question for those who are waiting for childern's college application result in March like me. Two more monthes seem too long. I was never such anxious for anything in my life before. My daughter only applied HYPMS, I know that's kind of risky but it's her decision, she got deferred from H in early desicion which made us feel even unconfident, and my friend politely told me college choosing A over B for no reason. Her brief, 1) SAT 2400 in first sit. 2) SAT II - Math II 800, Literature 800, Chinese 800, Physics 770 (took in grade 9). 3) GPA weighted 4.49 (One A- ) 4) 4 years Volleyball teams( freshman, JV, Varsity, Varsity) 5) 3 years Secetery of Student Council 6) Presidential award for community services. 7) NJ Governor's school attendee. 8) National merit semifinalist. 9) Many piana performance awards. 10) NJ science olympiad regional and state medal winners. She is one of candidates of 2012 Presidential Scholars Program which will not contribute to her application. Our high school ranks between 50 - 100 in all New jersey high schools. Beside teaching her to play volleyball, I didn't contribute much for her education. If she fails to be accepted by any one of HYPMS, it very difficult for our family to accept the fact. Waiting for the best luck and wish best lucks for all of you. 信息源自于:海外倍可亲网站



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