
ETS,说实话是一个满严谨的机构,当然要除了它出的某些TPO试题。至少在公平性,以及对于作弊的惩治上,ETS从不手软,要知道ETS一直信奉“严刑峻法”。当然这就不排除会出现乱杀无辜的情况,但是在正义面前,一切的美好愿望都是那么不堪一击。 无老师前段时间就接到一封被ETS认定为有违规嫌疑的考生的来信,在征得该考友同意,并且去掉个人信息的情况下,无老师在中国大陆第一次全文刊出,与ETS智斗的全过程。 来信: 无老师,您好 小弟第一次考T,带了张便签,写了几个句子,结果被老师发现了,然后就写了个什么说明,没想到会有这种结果,其实没有多大事啊~结果托福考试成绩被HOLD,很衰···昨天,ETS给我发了这个,我真的不知道该怎么回复。恳请无老师给些建议~ 我想知道我的成绩如果被取消后,今后还可以考试吗??成绩会受影响吗?还有签证申请学校什么的会有影响吗?真的不知道该怎么处理这事了,也不知道是不是应该继续准备托福。这个是ETS的信,麻烦老师提出自己宝贵的意见~ I am writing concerning the XX/XX, 2009(为保证该考友隐私,因此规避考试时间) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet Based Testing (iBT) administration. Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers tests under secure, standard conditions to assure that all test takers are given the same opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. As stated in the Policies and Procedures for this program, which are set forth in the Registration Bulletin and on the program website, test takers must present positive identification at the center, must follow test center procedures, and must not engage in any behavior that disrupts standard conditions at the center. Accordingly, a test administrator may dismiss from the center, or ETS may cancel the scores of, any test taker who does not follow these procedures. ETS is considering canceling your scores because it was reported that you failed to follow directions by accessing an unauthorized aid, a piece of paper with English words on it, during the test. ETS has not yet made a final decision concerning this matter. No action will be taken until you have responded to this letter or XX/XX, 2009(考后5个月), whichever comes first. Meanwhile, you can provide us with any additional information in the form of a written statement that will help explain the information noted above. If you have not notified us by that date, your scores will be canceled. Another staff member or I will be available to answer questions about this matter. Please call me at 1-800-750-6991 between 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Our fax number is 1-609-406-9709. Responses can also be sent to the following e-mail address: TSResponse@ets.org. If using e-mail, please put your name and reference number in the subject line. Any future correspondence regarding this matter should be addressed to: 无老师答复: 他没有完全取消你的成绩。 给你这封信是让你做出合理的解释,如果没有解释,或者等到8月13日都没有你的回信,你的成绩才会被取消。 考友回复: 无老师,那会不会影响今后考试成绩,申请学校呢?我应该怎么做呀?烦! 无老师答复: 你应该做的就是为自己辩解。 只要解释成功,就没事了。 不过,哪怕不解释成功,问题也不大。 考友回复: 我也不敢告诉家长这件事情,告诉他们也解决不了问题,真上火!这个是我打算回的,老师我这么写可以吗?希望您给我提些建议。没除了作文没写过别的,自己水平很差,麻烦您啦··· I am not cheating in the iBT on XX/XX, 2009(考试时间). It was my first time taking the TOEFL IBT. I did not do quite well in typing, sometime I may forget what I want to talk about when I am typing. I was so nervous that I was afraid that I can’t finish it in time, so I used the pencil provided by the center write some key sentences and words before I set out the test. Maybe someone misunderstood what I had done on that day. I take the test on March 27, 2010 just want to know what can be improved. That's all. 无老师修改后,考友回复: 老师我发过去了,就看RP啦···有消息通知您,非常感谢! 到这里暂且告一段落,预知后事如何,且听无老师下回分解!在第二篇文章里无老师不仅会揭晓最后事情的结果,同时也会对此事作出全面的分析,敬请期待。

无老师发布信息的另一权威渠道是无老师微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/noteacherwxl ,当你发现无法访问www.ibtsat.com时,请第一时间,在微博上通知无老师,同时无老师的相关信息,也会在新浪微博权威发布!
