
无老师满分范例:The last factor that has made our age so uncomfortable is the abusive use of technology. Although it brings much convenience, it essentially changes human - we are no longer the master of tools, but instead the slaves of devices. We rush to metro station in order to catch an early train, sit in front of radioactive computers all day long in order to get our work done, and stay in air-conditioned rooms all summer without experiencing the natural changes outside thick cement walls. Several decades ago, people could still live closer to nature and make rational use of modern technology, which to me is the essence of human living experience. 无老师优秀中文翻译:最后一个使我们这个时代如此的不舒服是对科技的滥用。虽然它带来了很多便利,但是他本质上来说改变了我们的生活。我们不再是工具的主人,恰恰相反,我们变成了工具的奴隶。我们匆忙地奔向地铁站,就是为了赶上早班的火车,整天坐在辐射的电脑屏幕前,为了把我们的工作做完,夏天整个呆在空调房里面,而没有享受厚厚的混凝土外墙外的自然的变化。很多年前,人们可以与自然生活的很亲密,很理性的使用现代科技,这对我来说该是人类活着的本质。 无老师平庸范例:The last reason that makes me uncomfortable is the abuse of the technology. Although it brings much convenience, it greatly changes our life. We are no longer owner of the tools, on the contrary, we become the slave of the tools. We come to the station to catch up the early train, sit in front of the computer to do our job, stay in the air-conditioner room, and do not enjoy the change of the nature outside the cement wall. Many years ago, human live closely with the nature, and use the technology cleverly, and that is the nature of life for me. 估计很多考友,当看到中文翻译的时候,就已经预感到了什么,然后当真的看到平庸范例的时候,自然会会心一笑。因为优秀范例和平庸范例真的是太接近了,不是原文写的不好,恰恰相反,因为本篇文章的作者英文功力,应该属于中上等,但是优秀的文学功底抹平了一切,哪怕当我们单纯看中文翻译的时候,都会觉得这篇文章写得不错,自然通过中文翻译,又反过来翻译成英文的平庸范例也没有差得很远。其实我们可以比较一下就会发现,就同样的内容,让我们用中文来写,恐怕都没有原作者写得好,再加上英文能力的差距,就使两者相差得越来越大了。因此我们下面的篇幅,更多的是来分析作者的优秀范例,在平庸范例上的笔墨自然就会少很多了。 第一句,优秀范例:The last factor that has made our age so uncomfortable is the abusive use of technology.对比平庸范例:The last reason that makes me uncomfortable is the abuse of the technology.优秀范例和平庸范例都用了从句的方式来表达这句话,,但是差别在于优秀范例之中作者能想到3个细节点,是它的亮点,第一、age,第二、so,第三、abusive use。首先用age来表示“时代”,我们很少用到,接下来,so虽然我们常用,但是我们常用其表示因果联系,很少用他来表示“如此”这层含义,想一想,我们平时此处经常用的是very。第三abuse这个词我们本身就很少见到,自然用到就更少了。 第二句,优秀范例Although it brings much convenience, it essentially changes human - we are no longer the master of tools, but instead the slaves of devices.对比平庸范例Although it brings much convenience, it greatly changes our life. We are no longer owner of the tools, on the contrary, we become the slave of the tools.其实优秀范例,仅就句式来说,并没有什么很有亮点的地方,优秀范例的有点主要是在于用词和想法取胜。首先,brings much convenience说实话真的挺俗的,但是后面的essentially一词用的很好,表示本质上的,根本上的。但是平庸范例只能想到greatly这个词,实在是词汇量太贫乏,筒子们,看什么看,还不赶快拿小本记下来!然后再接下来the master of tools这个用法不称奇,但是能深刻的认识到我们变成了“工具的奴隶”,这一点令我们印象深刻。然后再接下来一个固定搭配,not but,增加了句子的内在逻辑连贯性,然后一个instead指示出了变化的趋势,很漂亮!当然,作者没有继续僵化的用tool而是换用了device,也算是小亮点。 接下来,优秀范例We rush to metro station in order to catch an early train, sit in front of radioactive computers all day long in order to get our work done, and stay in air-conditioned rooms all summer without experiencing the natural changes outside thick cement walls.对比平庸范例We come to the station to catch up the early train, sit in front of the computer to do our job, stay in the air-conditioner room, and do not enjoy the change of the nature outside the cement wall.这句话可厉害了!首先优秀范例能想到用rush的动词词性表示急急忙忙的赶到车站,用词非常准确!然后再接下来metro一词用的很地道,应该广州和深圳的筒子们都有这个赶脚,然后再接下来一个early train说出rush的原因,同时也写出了笔者的生活到底有多么的苦逼,巧妙!然后再接下来,computer没有用monitor这个词,显然是一个败笔,但是用radioactive一次写出了这里面的危害,很漂亮!不仅如此,in order to,而不仅仅是一个简单的to,显示出作者词汇量的丰富。其后,air-conditioned就是水到渠成了,因为毕竟是想到了中文,自然就会出现这个词,不过后面用到了简洁的without一词,而不是用到but not,则是显示出行文已经比较成熟了,是的逻辑连贯性特别好,至于最后的thick cement walls则是文学功底使然,跟英文高低关系不大。 最后一句话,优秀范例Several decades ago, people could still live closer to nature and make rational use of modern technology, which to me is the essence of human living experience.对比平庸范例Many years ago, human live closely with the nature, and use the technology cleverly, and that is the nature of life for me.首先,优秀范例又是抛出了优秀作文常用的decade,好吧,败给你了。然后make rational use of!惊艳!竟然没有把rational用成一个副词,而且还跟make use of这个固定搭配配合得很好,真是精彩!最后的to me首先限定出了作用的范围,然后的the essence of不仅用到了“本质”这么深刻的概念,而且还没有落俗套的再用到nature,不仅显示作者文学功底很好,而且还显示出作者词汇量很丰富,令人印象深刻! 看来文笔好,在哪种语言里都是有优势啊。


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